May is National Egg Month, and I wanted to let you know about the Eggs Are Healthy campaign, where the FDA is being  petitioned to update its guidelines around what can be deemed ‘healthy’ – spoiler organic eggs can’t but sugary cereal can..

Click here to find out more about this campaign!

I have a secret to reveal about one of my favorite foods — eggs. They seem so simple and are convenience itself. Plus, eggs can be cooked, deliciously, in just a minute or two. Undoubtedly, eggs are one of your favorite foods, too — at the very least, they are if you know the secret.

Even if eggs are not one of your favorite foods — yet — here is the secret that can change your diet (and life) forever:

Eggs are chicken.

Let me explain. Cooked with salt and pepper, an American standard we all hold dear, eggs are quite mild, quickly made, and great as a breakfast centerpiece — not too strong in flavor, or texture, or anything that might be jarring to our sleepy mind, palate, and stomach.

But what if I told you there was a way to cook a delicious dinner in just a minute or two? Every bit as delicious, nutritious, and satisfying as a dinner that took hours to cook? Inexpensively? From scratch?

And my secret is the key: Eggs. Are. Chicken.

What I mean is, since eggs are chicken, almost any spice, flavorings, sauces, seasonings, or mixes of all the above are delicious with eggs — transforming a “breakfast dish” into a flavorful, satisfying mealtime favorite.

Your favorite chicken seasoning — whether it be paprika, Old Bay, Herbes de Provence, “Complete Seasoning,” Harissa, garlic salt, “Seasoning salt,” Cajun seasoning, Italian herbs, Za’atar, barbecue seasonings, or whatever else — will, in all likelihood, be DELICIOUS with eggs.

Now, two things will help you a great deal to transform eggs into your next flavorful-favorite-yet-most-convenient-yet-most-inexpensive dinnertime dish:

1. Using a simple sauce base can help bring out the flavorings and round out the dish, as exemplified in the recipe below — which you should feel free to adjust however you like.

2. It really, really helps when YOUR eggs are as high-quality, farm-fresh, and delicious as Pete and Gerry’s Organic Eggs. You can literally see the freshness in their color, how plump the yolks are — and how delicious they taste. Of course, a key to every satisfying meal rests on how nutritious it is, and here, Pete and Gerry’s Organic Eggs have got you and your family covered.

So, try this recipe this week with Pete and Gerry’s Organic Eggs — it only takes a minute or two to make — and then later, expand upon it with any blend of seasonings you enjoy! Change your diet, your schedule, and your life for the better!

You can learn about Pete and Gerry’s Eggs in this video:

I’ve found in my life that, sometimes, miracles come in small packages. And with one plate of these delicious Pete and Gerry’s Organic Eggs, you’ll know exactly what I mean!