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2 large cucumbers 🥒
1 cup cooked sushi rice 🍚
1 tbsp rice vinegar
1/2 tsp sugar
1/4 tsp salt
4 oz fresh sushi-grade fish (like salmon or tuna) or cooked shrimp 🍤
1/2 avocado, diced 🥑
1/2 small carrot, julienned 🥕
1/2 small cucumber, julienned 🥒
Soy sauce, for dipping 🍶
Optional toppings: sesame seeds, nori strips, pickled ginger


Prepare the Cucumbers: Slice the cucumbers into thick rounds (about 1 inch tall). Using a melon baller or small spoon, gently scoop out the center of each cucumber round, being careful not to go all the way through. You want to create a little cup. 🥒

Season the Rice: In a bowl, mix the rice vinegar, sugar, and salt with the cooked sushi rice. Stir until the rice is evenly seasoned. 🍚

Fill the Cups: Spoon a small amount of sushi rice into each cucumber cup, pressing it down lightly. 🥄

Top It Off: Add a piece of fish or shrimp on top of the rice. Then, garnish with a bit of diced avocado, julienned carrot, and cucumber. You can get creative with your toppings here—go with what you love! ❤️

Serve: Sprinkle sesame seeds and nori strips on top if you like, and serve with soy sauce for dipping.

Enjoy your fresh and delicious sushi in a cucumber cup!