The Unofficial Studio Ghibli Cookbook Review

The Unofficial Studio Ghibli Cookbook Review

The Unofficial Studio Ghibli Cookbook: 50+ Delicious Recipes Inspired by Your Favorite Japanese Animated Films This book takes its “unofficial” status seriously. Aside from the introduction, it doesn’t seem to discuss the films, with specificity,...
The Complete Guide to Food Photography Review

The Complete Guide to Food Photography Review

The Complete Guide to Food Photography: How to Light, Compose, Style, and Edit Mouth-Watering Food Photographs This is not only what I consider to be The most beautiful book of the year, but it is also one of the most helpful books of the year for those who take...
New Pasture-Raised Chicken Bone Broth

New Pasture-Raised Chicken Bone Broth

Sustainable agriculture and wellness innovator, Azuluna Foods, is proud to have Beachbody Super Trainer, Xtend Barre founder and motivation expert Andrea Leigh Rogers as a spokesperson for the launch of their nutrient-dense, pasture-raised chicken bone broth crafted...
Edward & Sons Vegan Bouillon

Edward & Sons Vegan Bouillon

I’m really happy with these bouillon cubes, for many reasons. They’re so easy to use and I’m glad they don’t include any chicken in them. I think that since they left that out, they worked extra hard at making sure they tasted extra good! I...
Review: Made In California

Review: Made In California

Made in California, Volume 1: The California-Born Diners, Burger Joints, Restaurants & Fast Food that Changed America, 1915–1966 Like many of you, one of my favorite memories from childhood is going out to eat with my family. Since we were native Californians,...
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